What is Nano vs. Microblading?
Nano brows, also referred to as semi-permanent makeup, feathering, or 3D brows is the process of gently implanting colour pigment beneath the surface of the skin by means of tiny, sterile, disposable needle machine to produce the appearance of hair strokes, makeup, or to enhance the natural features of the face. Unlike the traditional tattoo method, Nano brows mimics one’s natural hair growth to achieve the subtlest results. Everybody will notice, but no one will know. Microblading is the process of a blade implementing with tiny cuts to the skin and applying colour pigment underneath the skin surface. There is some downtime with scabbing that involves 10 – 14 days of healing time.

Does nano brow hurt?
A highly-effective, topical anesthetic cream and gel are used for numbing before and during your procedure. Pain threshold levels vary from person to person and every effort is made to ensure you remain comfortable for the entirety of the procedure.
How long will my nano eyebrows last?
Nano eyebrows are considered semi-permanent and will not wash off, however, they will fade over time and may need to be refreshed every 1-3 years, depending on many factors, such as skin-type and lifestyle. This is desired, as it allows you to change the shape, colour and size of your eyebrows as trends and your preferences change. Results are not guaranteed as we cannot control how your body heals.
• The hair-like strokes are very realistic and natural-looking
• Save time getting ready and money on make-up
• Major confidence boost without make-up
• Typically not painful
• Completely safe
• The results last 1-3 years, so you can change it up later on
How often do I need a touch-up?
This can vary person to person. Touch-ups are recommended every 10 months to 2 years, to keep the color fresh and the strokes looking crisp. Wearing sunscreen and generally taking good care of your skin may help maintain your new brows.
How do I prep for the procedure?
There is no major prep required. Leaving your eyebrows alone for a week (no tweezing, waxing or otherwise removing the hair) is preferred, however, not required. Do not take Aspirin, Fish Oil, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen, unless medically necessary, 24-48 hrs prior to your procedure. Tylenol is fine. Avoid alcohol or caffeine the day before & prior to the procedure; this will minimize any unnecessary bleeding or swelling after the procedure.
How long does the procedure take?
The procedure takes roughly 2-2.5 hours depending on the complexity of the desired eyebrows (individuals with less natural hairs take slightly longer). However please allow a 3-3.5 hour window as a buffer so that nothing is rushed.
Do I need to take time off work?
No, there is no social downtime – or otherwise – associated with the treatment. Redness and swelling typically dissipate within an hour after the procedure.
How long does it take to heal?
Healing time varies for each individual. Typically about 3 to 7 days. After this, your skin will be considered to have healed externally.
Will my own eyebrow hair have to be removed or shaved off for this procedure?
Not at all! We will try to keep as much natural hair as possible and only remove those which are unnecessary. The microbladed hair strokes will follow your natural hair growth and blend right in. The procedure is an enhancement of existing beauty.
What is the nano process like?
Nano is a 2-step treatment consisting of an initial procedure and a touch-up 4-6 weeks after.
The initial procedure is longer because of the consultation which consists of shape and colour discussion whilst waiting for the anesthetic numbing to take. During this time, we will listen to your desires, measure the aesthetic features of your face, which will then help her combine the two to create custom brows for you. After having decided on the look of the brows-to-be, the magic begins. All measures are taken to ensure you’re completely confident and happy throughout the procedure.
What should I expect?
For the first few days after the procedure, your eyebrows will look more pronounced and darker than usual, which is perfectly normal. The temporary darkness of your brows will not stop you from resuming daily activities. This result should not be considered as the final look because the colour will lighten by about 40-60% over a two-week period. During the healing process, it is normal to experience scabbing and/or some pigment loss; hence the touch-ups we have in place 4-6 weeks after the initial procedure, which then completes the two-step process.
Duration: 3 hr
Annual Touch Up for EXISTING Clients
Duration: 2 hr
Touch-up for Existing Clients 4-8 weeks
Fee included in initial session
Duration: 2 hr
Touch-up Existing Clients up to 9 months
Duration: 2 hr
Duration: 3 hr